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Laila Islam is a curator and multidisciplinary artist in Philadelphia committed to artistic community engagement and radical healing. They define radical healing as a practice where people create a space for communities who have experienced systemic harm to think and exist outside of their violent histories and realities. These platforms allow groups of people to combat said realities, ultimately empowering and equipping themselves with the ability to better mobilize as communities through communal care. Islam’s passion to intersect curation with
community mobilization is reflected in their work as founder, co-curator, and collective organizer of
The Future Is Us Collective. For their independent practice, Islam explores the way capitalism, the male gaze, and the white gaze impacts our interpersonal relationships, as well as our relationships with ourselves and our bodies. Using text, self-portraiture, and portrayals of the body, Islam creates as a way to emotionally process and navigate Onticide and historical